The Range Slider comes out of the box with a set style, and it’s colored using CSS variables. You can override these variables to change the color of the Slider.
Here’s the default values, with a little tool to help you roll your own color setup.
/* Slider Ranges, Handles and Floats colors */
:root {
--range-slider: #d7dada; /* slider main background color */
--range-handle-inactive: #99a2a2; /* inactive handle color */
--range-handle: #838de7; /* non-focussed handle color */
--range-handle-focus: #4a40d4; /* focussed handle color */
--range-handle-border: var(--range-handle); /* handle border color */
--range-range-inactive: var(--range-handle-inactive); /* inactive range bar background color */
--range-range: var(--range-handle-focus); /* active range background color */
--range-limit: #b9c2c2; /* limit range background color */
--range-float-inactive: var(--range-handle-inactive); /* inactive floating label background color */
--range-float: var(--range-handle-focus); /* floating label background color */
--range-float-text: white; /* text color on floating label */
/* Slider Pips and Labels colors */
:root {
--range-pip: lightslategray; /* color of the base pips */
--range-pip-text: var(--range-pip); /* color of the base labels */
--range-pip-active: darkslategrey; /* active pips (when handle is on a slider-stop) */
--range-pip-active-text: var(--range-pip-active); /* active labels (when handle is on a slider-stop) */
--range-pip-hover: darkslategrey; /* when a slider-stop is hovered */
--range-pip-hover-text: var(--range-pip-hover); /* when a slider-stop is hovered */
--range-pip-in-range: var(--range-pip-active); /* pips inside the range */
--range-pip-in-range-text: var(--range-pip-active-text); /* labels inside the range */
--range-pip-out-of-limit: #aebecf; /* pip color outside of limit */
--range-pip-out-of-limit-text: var(--range-pip-out-of-limit); /* text color on pip outside of limit */
Test the color variables
Because the Range Slider uses em
units for the range, handles, floats and pips, you can easily change the size of the Slider by changing the font-size
of the base .rangeSlider
.rangeSlider {
font-size: 1rem; /* default size */
Test the font size
Below is a quick rundown of the main <html>
elements that have classes applied, allowing them to be modified with css.
/* main slider element */
.rangeSlider {} /* the main slider background track */
.rangeSlider.vertical {} /* if slider is vertical */
.rangeSlider.focus {} /* if slider is focussed */
.rangeSlider.range {} /* if slider is a range */
.rangeSlider.min {} /* if slider is a min-range */
.rangeSlider.max {} /* if slider is a max-range */
.rangeSlider.pips {} /* if slider has visible pips */
.rangeSlider.pip-labels {} /* if slider has labels for pips */
.rangeSlider.hoverable {} /* if slider can trigger hover effects */
/* slider handles */
.rangeSlider > .rangeHandle {} /* positioned wrapper for the handle/float */
.rangeSlider > {} /* if a handle is active in any way */
.rangeSlider > {} /* if a handle is being pressed down */
.rangeSlider > .rangeHandle > .rangeNub {} /* the actual nub rendered as a handle */
.rangeSlider > .rangeHandle > .rangeFloat {} /* the floating value above the handle */
/* slider range */
.rangeSlider > .rangeBar {} /* the range between the two handles */
/* slider limits */
.rangeSlider > .rangeLimit {} /* the limited area that can be selected */
/* slider pips */
.rangeSlider > .rangePips {} /* the container element for the pips */
.rangeSlider > .rangePips.focus {} /* if slider is focussed */
.rangeSlider > .rangePips.vertical {} /* if slider is vertical */
.rangeSlider > .rangePips.hoverable {} /* if the pips allow hover effect */
.rangeSlider > .rangePips > .pip {} /* an individual pip */
.rangeSlider > .rangePips > .pip.first {} /* the first pip on the slider */
.rangeSlider > .rangePips > .pip.last {} /* the last pip on the slider */
.rangeSlider > .rangePips > .pip[data-val="0"] {} /* the pip with the value of 0 */
.rangeSlider > .rangePips > .pip.selected {} /* if a pip is currently selected */
.rangeSlider > .rangePips > {} /* if a pip is between the min and max */
.rangeSlider > .rangePips > .pip.out-of-limit {} /* if a pip is outside of the limit */
.rangeSlider > .rangePips > .pip > .pipVal {} /* the label for the pip */
Additionally, if you supply and custom html to the formatter()
function, this could also be styled with css.