Color Picker

Here we are using 3 sliders for the hue, saturation and lightness values.

The color is then calculated using the hsl() function and placed into the style="" property as a css variable.

El Classico / Color Sliders
h: 122°
s: 60%
l: 90%
--hue: 122deg; --saturation: 60%; --lightness: 90%;
.color {
  padding: 1em;
  background-color: var(--color);
  transition: all 0.5s ease;

.color-ui .rangeSlider.rangeSlider {
  margin-block: 2em;
  font-family: var(--font-mono);

.color-ui .rangeSlider.rangeSlider .rangeFloat,
.color-ui .rangeSlider.rangeSlider.focus .rangeFloat,
.color-ui .rangeSlider.rangeSlider:hover .rangeFloat {
  opacity: 1;
  top: -.25em;
  translate: 0% 100%;
  border-radius: 1em;
  padding: .25em .75em;
  pointer-events: all;

 * Simple Styling
.color-ui {
  border-radius: 0.5rem;
  border: 2px solid var(--color);
  color: var(--color);
  transition: all 0.5s ease;
  user-select: none;

 * Advanced Styling for the Demo
.color-ui {
  color: hsla(var(--hue), calc( var(--saturation) / 2),calc( (var(--lightness ) - 50%) * -1 + 100% ), 1);
  text-shadow: 0 1px 1px hsla(var(--hue), calc( var(--saturation) / 2),calc( var(--lightness ) - 50% ), 1);
    0 1px 1px 2px hsla(var(--hue), calc( var(--saturation) / 2), max( calc( var(--lightness ) - 10% ), 30% ), 1),
    0 4px 4px 1px hsla(var(--hue), calc( var(--saturation) / 2), max( calc( var(--lightness ) - 10% ), 30% ), .5),
    0 8px 10px 5px hsla(var(--hue), calc( var(--saturation) / 2), max( calc( var(--lightness ) - 10% ), 30% ), .5);