Here we demonstrate the Slider’s main feature; “notches”, or as I call them; ”pips”. These little markers sit below the Slider by default to mark regular intervals along the Slider’s length.
Pip display is controlled by the properties; all, first, last and rest. These properties can be set to true or false to control the display of the pips.
There are scenarios whereby you may wish to only show a certain subset of pips on the slider, for this we should consider using css to hide the pips that we don’t want to show.
<scriptlang="ts">let value =30;let validValues = [10, 30, 90];/** * function to generate a random array of values. In reality * you would have more reasonable logic to generate the values */constrandomize= () => {constcount=3+ Math.floor(Math.random() *3);constvaluesArray=newArray(count).fill(0).map((_, i) => Math.floor(Math.random() *100));return valuesArray; };constsetPipValues= () => (validValues =randomize());// valid class to display a red handle if invalid$: isValid = validValues.includes(value);// here we create a <style> tag which will be inserted into the page// and for each valid value, we will create a css rule to show the pip$: style =` <style> ${ =>`#testSlider .pip[data-val="${v}"] { display: block; }`).join("")} </style> `;</script><!-- insert the dynamic css into the page-->{@html style}<!-- wrap the slider so we can style it as invalid --><divclass:invalid={!isValid}><!-- give the slider an ID so we can style it --> <RangeSliderid="testSlider"bind:valuefloatpipsall="label"hoverablepipstep={1} /></div><buttontype="button"on:click={setPipValues}>Randomize</button>
/* hide all pips by default, we'll override this with JS */#testSlider.pip {display: none;}/* always show the floating label */#testSlider.rangeFloat {opacity: 1;} /* special styling for when the slider is invalid */.invalid#testSlider {--range-handle: hsl(352, 90%, 50%);--range-handle-focus: hsl(352, 90%, 50%);--range-handle-inactive: hsl(352, 80%, 70%);}